Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's the TEACHERS, stupid.....(maybe I shouldn't say that)

The success of a New York City Charter school, prompted New York Times columnist Bob Herbert to investigate. It's the teachers that make a difference, not the materials, not the textbooks, not the state standards, technology or the proficiency tests. The differences that make a difference in the lives of students are most always tied to an exemplary teacher. Have you hugged a teacher today? I did (it was pretty easy since Jan was by my side at the time). How about you? Read Herbert's article. This captures what we seek to do at The Graham Family of Schools.


Stuart said...

So, hey man, I know that if I comment here that EVERYONE will look at it because they will say to one another, "well, we better check out this comment because it is the only damn comment here!"

Thom said...

Not if I leave another one. Is this really the way blogs work?